Home Staging
Our home staging services will transform your home into an inviting space for potential buyers. In today's market it is critical that you stand out from your competition when you list your home for sale. Staged homes will sell quicker than the competition and will sell for more money. Working out of our central Toronto warehouse we fully prepare and design all projects before they are installed on-site. We own all of our inventory and are constantly adding and changes our offerings to ensure that our designs are on trend. With a strong focus on ensuring consistent themes, maximizing the flow and attention to the smallest details we ensure that your property will stand out from the rest.
Type of Properties
Our team has staged hundreds of properties of all sizes. From the smallest condos and homes to large luxury properties, we can handle it all.
Where We Work
We stage properties in and around the Greater Toronto Area. We maintain a wide service to handle all of our clients needs.
Initial Consultation
A member of our design team will meet with you at your property to discuss the scale, scope and timing of the project.
Design Planning
Our design team will go over your space and plan out the best look to highlight your property to the target buyer.
Staging Preparation
We fully prepare and layout your project on our warehouse floor beforehand. This give us great flexibility to adjust the look using our full inventory.
Staging Installation
The fully designed project is photographed, packed and delivered to your property. Our installation process is quick, your property will be photo ready same day.